The Importance of Self Care

Self care is such a trendy word these days. More people are learning the importance of self care because it helps you live well and improve both your physical health and mental well being. Most people would say self care would help increase mental well being, lower stress, help prevent illness and increase energy levels.

One of my favorite treatments for self care is getting a Body treatment. Yes I love getting facials and massages, however I believe body treatments are under rated. A good body treatment will help de-stress you, calm muscles and leave you in a state of bliss while getting exfoliated and nourished head to toe.

The Body Strategist line from [Comfort Zone] is my favorite body line I have ever come across. [Comfort Zone] combines science, nature and technology for targeted results. Their highly concentrated formulas help reshape, renew and tone to reveal a more radiant skin tone along with a sense of well-being.

The Deep Body Renewal is a luxurious treatment that includes a double exfoliation, nourishing body masque then finishing with massage oils to completely nourish the body. This treatment uses Tamanu oil which s touted for restoring tone and hydration to tired dry skin.

Thermal Mud Treatment is a wonderful way to detox your body from indulgence or to help prep for a big event. This intensive treatment comes from thermal waters in Italy, algae and essential oils help stimulate the body, get the lymphatic system moving and re-mineralize the body.

Body Glow Express is and excellent treatment for a double exfoliation and hydration. This treatment can be done on your lunch hour or before a night out on the town to get that glazed donut look. The body glow express is also great to combine with a custom airbrush tanning to get the ultimate glow.

To keep your skin looking like you just stepped out of the treatment room Body Strategist has a retail line you can take home and continue your healthy skin journey. Here are some ways I use the retail line at home for my self care rituals…

I typically use the thermal mud at least x2 a week to work on my water retention and calming my sore body parts from my work week. There are few different ways to use it. I have a infrared sauna blanket (if your interested in the sauna blanket check my linktree on my IG account flawless_skin_body) I massage in the thermal mud with a little warm water wrap myself in a mylar blanket and sweat out my toxins. If I am over all those steps I will draw a hot bath and and a couple tablespoons of the thermal mud in the water and soak. After my bath or sauna I will use the body strategist oil or d-age cream for a moisturizer treatment for my skin. If its been a really long day I will add in cryo-leg gel to my sore affect areas to get some cooling cryo action to relieve my sore muscles.

On days my skin feels like it needs a good exfoliation I use CZ peel scrub which has a mechanical and chemical exfoliation. (Sunburn alert- be careful exfoliated and going right out i the sun with this scrub because it has a chemical exfoliation you can burn). I start with dry brushing my body for some lymphatic stimulation then moving into applying the peel scrub in and upward motion vigorously on my dry body with dry hands. Key is to use a quarter size or less for each extremity, moving fast until it is dry. After I have done my whole body I jump in shower and rinse off then moisturize with the contour cream for a refreshing toning effect.

One last fun little product we have is the attack serum, this product you can apply before an intense work out to increase thermal action and increasing the metabolism of the adipose tissues to burn fat cells.

If you have any questions or would like to add a body treatment to your facial with me please reach out via email or text

Your Gut

As an Esthetician I am always trying to educate my clients about good health and their skin conditions. Your gut plays one of the biggest roles in how your skin functions. Becoming more educated on diet, nutritional supplements,skincare products and services will help you in your beauty journey.
One of the ways that I like to educate myself are podcasts. It's a simple and easy way to learn while driving, cleaning or working out. My two favorite podcasts right now are "Ask Dr Ben Johnson" and "Healthy Skin Show". Both of the podcasts are extremely educational.
Dr Ben Johnson dives deep into gut and emotional health and how it affects you from the inside out. He comes from a background of owning two cosmetics companies and med spas. He addresses skin issues that seem to be plaguing our society today.
The Healthy Skin Show with Jennifer Fugo is an informative show from a clinicians perspective. She invites special podcast guests to join her show that have specialized backgrounds to contribute to the topic of the day. Her guests range from doctors to dietitians. Her topics range from children with allergies to breast implant illness.
Keeping yourself informed with so much new information emerging is key to staying on top of all the new beauty treatments and products in the skincare industry. This will help you as a consumer discern between what's a fad and what's really going to be healthy for you.

Amazing benefits of Chlorophyll

10 amazing benefits of Chlorophyll

1. Helps Control Hunger

Compounds found in Chlorophyll suppress hunger & stabilize blood sugar

2.Controls Body Odor

62 patients were studied, it was reported improvements in the odors emanating from the test subjects

3.Encourages Healing

a recent study has shown when used as a topical spray chlorophyll encourages wound healing.

4.Promotes Cleansing

Environmental toxins such as heavy metals can destroy our health. Chlorophyll binds with toxic metals to hamper absorption. A crossover study with 4 human volunteers tested chlorophyll’s ability to remove ingested aflatoxin, a known carcinogen. Each volunteer received three servings of the aflatoxin, followed with a meal, the latter two included a tablet of chlorophyll. The results showed rapid elimination with 95% evacuated within 24 hours.

5. Protects DNA Against Fried Food

Fried foods contain toxic chemicals that damage our colon. One study has shown that people who ate fried food and consumed chlorophyll had less DNA damage in their colon cells.

6.Super Potent Antioxidant

It protects cells from oxidative damage by eliminating free radicals

7. Promising Potential for Cancer

One study has shown men with lower levels of chlorophyll have high risk of colon cancer. Another study has shown its potential for stimulating liver detox enzymes and may protect against carcinogens.

8.Relieves Systematic Redness & Swelling

New studies are finding that diets that include green leaves help to reduce redness and swelling, which is linked to disease.

9.Effective Against Candida

Candida can lead to many symptoms such as digestive issues, depression and fatigue. Chlorophyll when ingested stops the growth of candida.

10. Promotes Healthy Iron Levels

A modified form of Chlorophyll called Chlorophyllin may be high effective for anemia.

I started my journey with Chlorophyll recently after trying everything for my digestive issues. In one week my stomach seems to be flatter and happier. My skin is looking more glowing and I am getting tons of compliments on how good I look. Of course you should always consult with a physician before starting supplements.

Parasite Cleansing

Right now there are so many Tik Toks out there about parasite cleanses so I thought I would try one for myself to see if it lived up to the hype. And my answer is YES YES YES! I like to state I am not a doctor and this is strictly my opinion on how I felt during the cleanse. Not all cleanses are for everyone.
After reading reviews and investigating which parasite cleanse was good for me I chose the Paraguard cleanse by Zahler. The reviews on this product are entertaining, informative, and even some people had pictures which were, shall I say interesting. I suggest taking a dive into those reviews so you have an idea of what you're in for.
A little about my health and lifestyle, I have suffered from gut issues since I was 19 years old. I have battled candida in my gut thinking I for certain have an autoimmune since I can not eat or even look at gluten. Dairy also bothers me with getting bloat and digestive issues from it. If I don't stick to a protein and veggie diet I can not lose weight. In fact I have ventured down a lectin free diet as well but that's another blog. I am always game for a new cleanse or diet that can help eliminate inflammation and bloat from my body. So needless to say when I saw parasite cleanses popping up almost every other video I felt it was a sign to give it a whirl.
Starting on the Zahler parasite cleanse day 1-3 I was exhausted with headaches and brain fog just like everyone in the reviews said. That is the die off period of the parasites and just like clock work on day 3 holy batman the parasites started coming out. After day 3 my headaches, brain fog and exhaustion improved. However, now that I am approaching day 10 and thinking I am at the end of my cycle, I feel like my body still wants to expel. I started getting symptoms again of the die off so I am going to continue for another 10 days. This protocol is not in the instructions but I felt that this is what my body wanted.
In my opinion I believe the Paraguard parasite cleanse is totally worth it. My stomach hasn't been this flat since before my children and my body is feeling so much better. I definitely will continue to do cycles of this cleanse when I am not feeling right. If you are having weird symptoms with digestive issues it is worth a try to do a cleanse.

What is EmSculpt

What is EMSCULPT?EMSCULPT is the first device to build muscle and sculpt your body. Through the high intensity electromagnetic therapy procedure one can enlarge current muscles, as well as grow new muscle fibers. The Emsculpt procedure is currently FDA cleared to treat your abdominals, buttocks, arms, calves and thighs. A great non-surgical alternative to the brazilian butt lift.

How does it work?

EMSCULPT is based on high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy. A single EMSCULPT session causes thousands of powerful muscle contractions which are extremely important in improving the tone and strength of your muscles.

These powerful induced muscle contractions are not achievable through voluntary contractions. The muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. It responds with a deep remodeling of its inner structure that results in muscle building and sculpting your body.

Am I a candidate for EMSCULPT?

EMSculpt works best on people that have just about reached their body goals. This device helps with building muscle, so it is excellent for athletes and/or to increase your performance for an athlete. EMSCULPT can also be used on diastasis recti. It helps build the muscles back up in the abs to create a strong structure. If you are on the fence about this treatment we offer a complimentary consult to help assess if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Why drinking water is so important

So many people ask me about my favorite product for my skin and my number one answer is drinking water! Your skin is the biggest organ in your body and it's thirsty!!! Your skin is made up of cells, in turn are made up of water. All your organs need water to function correctly. We are constantly losing water throughout our busy days by urinating, defecating,breathing and the beverages & foods we consume. If we don't replace the water sufficiently your skin will start to look dehydrated, tight, dry and flaky. Living with constant dehydration and dry skin will cause you to age faster giving you wrinkles. Even being slightly dehydrated will cause your body to run inefficiently.

So the moral of this blog is to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day if not more is essential for your skin health because it delivers nutrients to the skin cells. Help slow down the aging process and keep the toxins flushed in your body. So drink up!!

Why I Meal Prep

There are many reasons why to meal prep but my main reason why I do is because of my health. We are what we eat and I want to be as healthy as I can for my family.

Even though I have always eaten healthy over the last few years I have battle with inflammation and auto immune issues. I have probably tried every crazy diet and cleanse under the sun to help alleviate my body from inflammation. A few years back my mother had stumbled across Dr. Gundry‘s book Plant Paradox and she had immediately made an appointment with Dr. Gundry in order to get her labs done. When her labs came back it showed she had markers for autoimmune’s and wanted to do something about it. So as Dr. Gundry discussed the particular diet she had to be on to help with the inflammation in her body and help the markers come down. His claimed to fame is a lectin free diet. Of course I rolled my eyes at my mother and said I am not going to do that crazy diet. First of all you can hardly eat anything on it and how was I supposed to have a life? But as I saw her labs get better there had to be something to it. So then I embarked on my journey with a lectin free diet. This diet is not for the faint of heart and this is why I meal prep all my breakfast lunch and dinner for the week.

It is very hard to live lectin free. Lectins are in everything literally!!! A days average meal looks like:

Unsweetened coconut milk yogurt
A slice of SRSLY Bread with butter and kite hill cream cheese

Sweet potatoes with ground turkey & broccoli

Cauliflower wrap with avocado Mayo, lettuce cabbage, carrots, avocado, with primal kitchen Caesar salad dressing and 1 slice of turkey.

I know it sounds kind of boring, but I do whoop it up on the weekends with a steak and a potato or a gluten free pesto pasta. Honestly the recipes you can make on a lectin free diet is pretty good. I don’t feel like I miss out at all.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight or you’re on a special diet meal prep always helps to ensure that you’re getting the proper nutrition to keep your body in the optimal shape. You’re not worried about where you’re going to eat and grabbing fast food on the go or not eating at all.

Chemical Peels & Microneedling

Chemical peels VS. Microneedling  

Chemical peels and Microneedling are both cosmetic procedures to help improve facial tone, texture and fine lines. Both facial treatments seem very similar, however at a closer glance they each have very distinctive purposes.

Microneedling for wrinkles is a process in which tiny needles into the face give micro-perforations where either a serum or PRP (platelet rich plasma) to penetrate deeper into the skin stimulating collagen and elastin to grow. So in a nutshell, microneedling helps rejuvenate and tighten the skin on the face and neck while reducing the appearance of scars and skin blemishes in a series of treatments.

Chemical Peels for acne and other skin issues are typically applied to the face, neck and hands to correct scarring, acne, sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles. The peel solution is applied to the area creating a blister/ wound to the skin. The skin repairs itself over a period of 7-10 days. There are also different levels of peels light, medium, and heavy. Depending on the peel is the length of time of recovery. It is also recommended for optimal results a series of peels depending on the strength of the peel.

Which treatment is right for you?

With any cosmetic procedure there is always a risk. There are risks associated with microneedling, chemical peels, and other cosmetic procedures, and these dangers must be closely examined. With microneedling, potential treatment complications include bleeding, infection, bruising, and skin irritation. Comparatively, with a chemical peel, the risks include scarring, skin discoloration and infection.

The downtime with microneedling is typically a few days that you are red and dry. We do ask all of our patients to use good sunscreen. Same with chemical peels, however I feel like the process for peels is a few days longer than microneedling. With chemical peels you need to stay out of sun and heat for 7-10 days.

Educate Yourself!

As an Esthetician I am always trying to educate my clients about good health and their skin conditions. Your gut plays one of the biggest roles in how your skin functions. Becoming more educated on diet, nutritional supplements, skincare products and services will help you in your beauty journey.

One of the ways that I like to educate myself are podcasts. It’s a simple and easy way to learn while driving, cleaning or working out. My two favorite podcasts right now are “Ask Dr. Ben Johnson” and “Healthy Skin Show”. Both of the podcasts are extremely educational.

Dr. Ben Johnson dives deep into gut and emotional health and how it affects you from the inside out. He comes from a background of owning two cosmetics companies and med spas. He addresses skin issues that seem to be plaguing our society today.

The Healthy Skin Show with Jennifer Fugo is an informative show from a clinicians perspective. She invites special podcast guests to join her show that have specialized backgrounds to contribute to the topic of the day. Her guests range from doctors to dietitians. Her topics range from children with allergies to breast implant illness.

Keeping yourself informed with so much new information emerging is key to staying on top of all the new beauty treatments and products in the skincare industry. This will help you as a consumer discern between what’s a fad and what’s really going to be healthy for you.

Moving to Texas...

Well I am back at writing, its been awhile but I feel in need of connecting with my tribe. Its been since July when I last logged on and started clicking away on my lap top. I contemplated the topic of this post and decided to talk about my move halfway across the country.

Last year in 2019 we starting really getting serious about where we would possibly move and end up. We had a decision to make Utah or Texas. Your probably asking why Utah or Texas??? That is where my fiance business was going to possibly end up in one of those two states. We both were really rooting for Utah, its close to California, close to family, and best of all I can travel back to work in California for my clients. I had it all planned out like I normally do. Boy I was wrong! The closer we got to the end of 2019 it was looking more like Texas. I was a little shocked, a little sad I would be so far away from my tribe, but I was determined to make it work. I loved my spa and I didn’t want to let my girls down and have to say good bye to my clients.

The beginning of 2020 came in with a bang. I turned 40 and I was planning how I can keep the spa running while I lived in Texas. I was going to fly back once a month for a week and work on my clients and have my girls run things while I was gone. Well mid March that all changed, I felt like I was slapped up side the face when the Covid shutdown began. This shutdown was turning out to be a disaster in California for the salon & spa industry. Summer was creeping up and our move date was approaching. I was stressing on how to keep Flawless above water while moving to Texas with out any income coming in. The relief wasn’t enough and pressure was building like it does in my instant pot. As mid July approach with the looming August move date I decided to make the toughest decision in my life. To close the doors on a 20 year career in California.

I was nervous, I have known nothing else except working as an Esthetician in California. I went straight from High school to college to beauty school. Working at Skin Therapy when I was 18 years old helping pay my way through college. I was going to be an interior designer and I was almost there but felt uninspired with school and life. I decided to go to beauty college. I was going to be an Esthetician. This change lit a fire in me I never knew existed. For the last 20 years I have worked in my passion helping other peo0ple feel better about themselves and creating a brand in southern Orange County. I really overcame so many obstacles, starting out with no money barely surviving to having an amazing group of woman I work with at this spa I created. I felt like nothing can take me down I just wouldn’t let it. But mid July hit, and no hope for re-opening no hope to work for possibly the rest of the year. How was I going to pay for all of this? How was I going to take care of my girls? Now I can say Covid was the number one factor I had to close my doors. I cried on and off for days. I had to let go of my clients, my space and my girls. But I always remember that saying, when God closes one door he opens another.

The end of August came and the spa was emptied, the house was packed and the good byes had been said. We packed up our family and started our 4 day adventure to the Great “Nation” of Texas. The drive was pretty uneventful, kids were good and no hiccups along the way. We stopped at my dads house in Arizona for a quick visit and enjoyed the sites through Arizona. Once we hit Texas I felt a happy and content feeling.

Once we arrived at our AirBNB I felt right at home, but anxiously awaiting the closing of the home we just purchased. As the days grew into a week and so on I began to realize that this was home and I was so relieved and happy to be here. Its more peaceful in Texas. Its a bit slower paced and the people are so nice and welcoming.

Now being here for 6 weeks and have settled into my home I realize how much pressure and stress I had in California. Texas had made me spend more quality time with my kids. I know I can never be a full time stay at home mom, so I decided to work again. I am rebuilding my tribe here, meeting new faces and building new relationships. I am enjoying being in a state that will let me get back to my craft, reviving the passion inside me to learn and create more skincare programs and procedures. Along with starting my business again, I will also be finishing a project I started a long time ago.

My new chapter is pushing me to finish the book I started writing 2 years ago about the skincare industry. Its a professional take on my career. This book is meant to inspire and help train/mentor new Estheticians coming into this industry.

Today I feel content and happy to start fresh even when I was forced too. And to remind all my beauties out there…

When God closes a door, he will open up another that is bigger, wider and brighter for you to shine!

That dirty little C word...

Well ladies if you suffer from cellulite then you know what it is, its a horrible thing that attacks our beautiful bodies and make us feel insecure about putting on a bathing suit. But for real lets go in depth about what cellulite is and how we can treat it non surgically.

Cellulite is a very common and harmless condition where the skin looks lumpy and bumpy almost like a cottage cheese texture. Cellulite is most common in woman and some say weight gain could contribute to this cottage cheese effect. Other factors such as hormones and poor circulation can contribute to cellulite as well and cellulite doesn’t discriminate even skinny fit people can have cellulite.

So what makes the skin look lumpy and bumpy you ask??? Fibrous connective cords tether the skin to underlying muscle with fat lying in between. The fat cells in turn start to accumulate and start to push on the skin while the cords start to pull down creating uneven texture and dimpling. YUCK!!!

So how do we treat this horrible body invader? Well ladies numerous ways. You can go the surgical route which is costly and there is down time or you can try different non surgical procedures before bringing in the big guns. I am going to break down a few at home remedies and in office procedures for you to decide which is best for you.

From being in the esthetics world for 20 years I have been trained that massage is one of the best ways to help reduce cellulite. There are specific massage techniques like fascia release and lymphatic drainage that help break up the fibrous tissues and help eliminate the toxins that are accumulating in the affected areas. Certain massage therapist are actually trained in these techniques and are just an appointment away. But ladies trust me when I say this is not a fluff massage. Sometimes it can be a bit painful to release those connective cords. You also have to do a good amount of treatments before you start seeing results. This is based on your consult with the therapist every body is different.

Cryo Therapy or T-Shock is another buzz word happening right now. Cryo T-Shock is a non invasive treatment to reduce fat cells through exposure to extreme cold. Fat freezing technology gives long term results. The science behind this is cryolipolysis (cell death) through the concentrated application of heat and cold to destroy the cells in the desired area. Then cells then naturally pass through the body’s lymphatic system and excreted through sweat and urine. I personally have done 8 sessions of T-Shock and was very happy with my results. T-Shock is not cheap but well worth the investment. So you are aware you will have to do anywhere from 6-12 sessions for results. You also have to remain on a reasonable diet for optimal results.

If money is a concern there are a few tools you can do at home. My two favorite at home treatments are the Scala Cellulite Massager and Lure Body Cupping Kit. The Scala massager is $10.99 & The Lure Kit is $29.95. Both extremely reasonable and you can do it in the privacy of your own home. You can also use these in conjunction with cryo and massage treatments for cellulite to help increase your results. The scala is a manual massaging head, you can use it in shower with body wash or use it on dry skin with some lotion or cellulite reduction cream. The massager is great for breaking up the thick fibrous tissues and in creasing circulation to increase blood flow to the area. The cupping kit is great for aiding in lymphatic drainage and getting the toxins out of the affected area. I use them together to give cellulite the double whammy! I also want to make you aware when you use the massager don’t be surprised if you get bruised. I have lots of scare tissue around my c-section and I did bruised in the beginning with it. But lets be honest ladies, a little pain for beauty is nothing new for us.

Below is a list of links to my products as well as Cryo Haus who treated me with the T-Shock and my amazing massage therapist who also can recommend a plan of action for cellulite. Always know I am 1 click away from an email or a phone call away if you do have any skin related questions or concerns.

Click on my links below for more info

Cryo Haus for T-Shock Treatments

Scala Massager

Lure Body Cupping Kit

Call Trish Halverson for Cellulite Massage 949-291-2170

Lets talk acne

This morning I woke up with no inspiration. I thought long and hard what product I wanted to review or what service or treatment I can break down and frankly nothing was coming to mind. Then thankfully my light bulb went off. We are going to have a quick discussion about acne.

Since my business is apparently non essential and I haven’t been able to treat my clients skin issues, my texts messages have been a little crazy with my clients needing help for their skin conditions. So why the spike in acne issues while we are all at home??? Well here’s my theory…

Since California is still pretty much on a stay at home order and we are all bored out of our minds, I think diets have been horrible, we are not exercising like normal, we are stressed out because there is no money coming in and some of us have just given up on self care.

So lets talk about our diets. I personally have always been a big advocate of no dairy, no gluten and minimal processed foods and refined sugars. What I think is happening, the first few weeks of stay at home order was a novelty so we kinda ate bad and stopped exercising because it was like a mini vacation. But now this has gone on for way too long. People have continued to eat poorly and have forgotten about self care and stress relief. I don’t know about you but a good cycle class or weight lifting class at the gym was my release. So now we are approaching 2 months of this so called new lifestyle that is suppose to keep us healthy but instead our diets keep on getting worse and the stress keeps mounting when we don’t see relief in sight.


My clients have been dying for me to get back into the spa to help clear up their skin. Unfortunately there is no date for our industry to go back. Only people speculating that its maybe in phase 3. I have clients that are desperate, believe me so am I and the rest of the skincare industry in California. ( The State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology has sent out letters to us stating If we are caught working we will get our licenses revoked, up to $1000.00 fine and up to 6 months in JAIL.)


So I have to help treat my clients via text message and phones calls to help their poor skin conditions. Its so extremely hard to make a good assessment this way. What I can say in my opinion, acne is caused by predominantly what we are putting in our bodies. We have sat on our butts for 2 months or longer feeding our faces full of food we don’t typically eat.

Dairy is one of the biggest causes of acne. Why you ask??? Dairy is full of hormones, even the organic kind baby cakes. Dairy is produced by a cow for the baby calf to grow. Whey and casein are to proteins produced by the momma cow in her milk to give the babies the nutrition they need to get big and strong. When our bodies start breaking down and digesting the whey and casein it triggers a response in our body that mimics insulin resulting break outs. These hormones in the milk also cause a reaction in our bodies which can confuse our endocrine system and cause break outs too. So people put down the cheese and grab an apple. I know for myself when I am off the dairy I have less inflammation in my body less bloat and brain fog. Seriously do we really need milk products, when we have amazing alternatives these days.

I always suggest when getting off of dairy to quite for at least a month and start taking probiotics. Now comes the topical. Once you have made the commitment of no dairy then its time to start working on the blemish control products. My absolute favorite is the Spotless Regimen for Rodan + Fields. Out of all the acne products this one has worked the quickest for my clients. We start seeing results with in 2 weeks for most people. I have never had a kit returned. I only get text messages of praise after my clients have used it and watched the magic happen.

So there you have it folks avoid dairy & processed food like its covid. Lets clean up our diets so our bodies can function better through these interesting times. Get outside and take a walk in the sunshine and you will soon see it will turn into a run and maybe a little more self care that we have forgotten about. I love all of my clients so much and just want the best for everyone!!!


Why do I have to wash my face?!

Your tired and exhausted from the work day, kids, or just life. You have had a glass of wine and its getting late, your kinda lazy and just want to say screw it and go to bed. SSSSTTTTOOOPPPP DON’T DO IT GIRL! You need to go wash your face. I hear you saying “why do I need to do that?!” I didnt wear make up, my skin doesn’t feel dirty so give me a good reason why I shouldn’t be lazy. My friends by the end of this blog you will NEVER go with out washing your face twice a day again.

So why is cleansing your face so essential in the evening? Washing your beautiful face at night will help you look younger longer. First step of any beauty regimen is cleansing because it helps clean off the impurities of the day that we accumulate on our skin and in our pores. Like most woman we wear make up or a tinted moisturizer that leaves a film after a long days work. Research has shown physiological changes occur overnight in our skin. Our skin is our biggest organ and believe it or not it can tell the difference between day & night. There is even evidence linking circadian rhythms to cellular cycles (where cells divide to replenish dead cells) and DNA repair, which is a natural process to detox itself. So my folks this means while we are fast asleep our skin is using oxygen to repair itself. When we don’t wash our face we are preventing this process from happening. So when you say “aw screw it I am too tired to wash my face” you are depriving your skin of nutrients and your actually your own worse enemy and responsible for your skin’s aging. The aw screw it method blocks your skins natural exfoliating process causing build up and dull looking skin. Our blood flow is at its peak while we are sleeping, this nocturnal flow is where are skin increases our absorption and and penetration of the products that are left on our face. A missed opportunity at night can lead to excess sebum, build up of dead skin cells, larger pores and dehydration. A simple cleanse will emulsify all the junk from the surface of the skin. So again my beauties missing your nightly cleansing routine is a missed opportunity to help your skin look and feel its best.

So now comes another question…

If I washed my face at night , why do I have to get up in the morning and wash it all over again, isn’t it still clean??? The answer is NOPE!

So we just got done chatting about all the wonderful things our skin does at night while we are getting our beauty sleep, so if you were paying attention this means rise and shine baby cakes time to slough of your dead skin cells. Ladies and gents I don’t want you washing with just water either. You need a cleanser to emulsify and exfoliate off the dead skin cells and excess sebum the skin produces over night. Here’s a good analogy. If you were in the kitchen cooking with meat you wouldn’t just wipe down the counter with water afterwards right?! You would use a disinfectant to ensure the counter top was clean. Same thing for your face, water will only remove 65% of of the dead skin and excess sebum. So you wouldn’t want to put make up on skin that is not prepped and cleaned properly. So my friends this is why cleansing morning and evening is so essential to your skin’s health and the anti-aging process.

Okay now that we got why you need to cleanse morning and evening, lets talk about what type of cleansers are good for your skin type.

Most normal to oily skin types prefer a gel cleanser, and lets be honest no matter what skin type I think most people like the squeaky clean feeling of a gel cleanser. But there are some people that just need more moisture. For those who are normal to dry skin a milky cleanser seems to do better for them and is less stripping.

My opinion…

I am a true normal to dry and tend to run on the dehydrated side as well. So I tend to use a gel cleanser at night to remove dirt and debris off of my skin and a milky cleanser in the morning to cleanse hydrate and nourish my dry and dehydrated skin.

So what I would give a client who is normal to oily or slightly acne prone? I would have them use a gel/exfoliating/treatment cleanser is the evening and gel cleanser in the morning to help hydrate the skin. Here’s a little secret, some people that are oily aren’t truly oily, but dehydrated. When the skin gets dehydrated it will produce more oil to help put moisture back in the skin. Proper hydration and skincare routine will help combat the oiliness among other issues with problematic skin.

Now that we have gotten it clear why we need to wash our faces morning and evening below is some recommendations of my favorite cleansers.

Tatcha Deep Cleanse

Fresh Soy Cleanser

R+F Soothe Cleanser

R+F Spotless Cleanser

Osmosis Gentle Cleanse

Osmosis Purify Cleanser

Why I choose a gluten free life

I will take you back to the day after prom where I had gotten terribly sick. My mom took me to urgent care and the doctor gave me penicillin. I began taking the meds and I was getting worse. Antibiotics were suppose to make you feel better, right?! I was suppose to be graduating from high school in a few weeks and I didn’t know if I would be able to attend and walk. I was in bed for weeks my eyes swollen shut, fever, and everything that I ate made me more ill. So I gave up on eating. (For those of you that know me I LOVE FOOD, so for me to pass up food I was pretty dang sick.) My mother was at a lost. So she contacted my great aunt, a Shaklee consultant. She explained that the penicillin probably destroyed the good bacteria in my gut and I had a overgrowth of bad bacteria, thus candida raging in my gut. My great aunt instructed me to go on the candida diet for almost 2 years to get my gut right again. She also recommended pro-biotics and other supplements as well. Another factor about my health is that I have hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is considered an auto-immune, which can add more fuel to the fire with an already inflamed body. The next 2 years of my life were interesting. At age 18 I began my journey of nutrition and health. I was so inspired that I started college with my major being in nutrition. These nutrition classes gave me hope that I could heal myself and I could to help others on their health journey. I learned about many diets and what foods cause inflammation. I also discovered what gluten is and why some of us are more sensitive to it than others. So my friends lets get you educated on what gluten is and why it affects us.


Gluten is a protein found in wheat (wheatberries, durum, emmer, semolina, spelt, farina, farro, graham, KAMUT, khorasan wheat and einkorn), rye, barley,and triticale.Gluten acts as a glue that holds foods together.


Individuals that have Celiacs or that are gluten sensitive it triggers an immune response that damages the lining of the small intestine. This immune response in a person with Celiacs and sensitivities can cause numerous issues such as hindering the absorption of nutrients, cause a whole variety of symptoms, osteoporosis, infertility, nerve damage and seizures.


Bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, feeling tired, skin problems, depression, unexplained weight loss, anemia, anxiety, auto-immune disorders, joint and muscle pain, leg or arm numbness, and brain fog.

Over growth of yeast (which is a fungi) and gluten sensitive go hand in hand. So back when I was 18, my body was done. It was so sick of the bad bacteria raging inside me and it was sick of the gluten. Looking back I had all the warning signs, but it took my aunt educating me to see the light. Over the years I would dabble in trying to eat gluten but eventually the sensitivity would rear its ugly head. Now if I eat something that has a small amount of gluten I start to break out in hives and it takes my body a week to recover. So this my friends is why I stick to a no gluten policy. I love the way my mind and my body feels when I am rid of this toxin.

With this knowledge, I now help my clients with their skin and help guide them to a clean eating diet to heal from the inside out. For the clients that are willing to swallow this info and want to change I guide them through the transition. With little tips and tricks & sharing great gluten free meals. Life doesn’t have to be boring. I still eat bread and make chocolate chips cookies and drink alcohol. But first I always do my research on what is gluten free. You would be surprised what has gluten hidden inside of it. Spices, dressings, and alcohol to name a few. I always google ingredients and I make sure if I am out to dinner that I tell the kitchen I have a gluten allergy. So one of my secrets I do for social events at a restaurant I call or look up menu prior to arrival and decide what I can have so I don’t have to be “that person”. Going to someones home for a BBQ can be a little tougher. I always say no seasoning on my meats but salt and pepper or I just bring my own food. This is just life for me but I try to manage it the best I can. Sometimes my friends razz me about my food issues, but I just laugh and know that if they were in my body they would understand. I don’t expect anyone to really understand what this sensitivity feels like unless you have it. But I just think to myself my body is protecting me from harmful toxins. Now I know what my warnings signs are before my body goes down in a ball of flames and I use that to check myself and rethink my diet.

Diet is so important for not just your health, but your skin & brain as well. When your gut is unhealthy it will show on your skin as well as your mental state. (***teaser*** 90% of your serotonin is made in your gut & your intestinal tract!!!) Keeping a healthy clean diet will keep not only your body be happy but your brain and who doesnt want to be happy all the time!!! When I have a client lay on my table who has suffered from acne or skin disorders I always tell them “ I can help topically control whats going on. However, your problem is internal and until you make the choice to clean up your diet, I am just going to be your band aid. It will be your choice to fix your problem.” This is really hard from most people to accept, but when they finally decide to make that leap, they finally realize what the have been missing out on. Health, wellness & Happiness.


Skincare Buzz Words

Okay so you may be hearing some buzz words right now in skincare….

You have Oil of Olay making commercials about hylaronic acid and Kylie Jenner promoting her vitamin c serum. So do they really work? YES my friends they do!!! So lets have a little chat about how and why you should have these in your regimen.

Hylaronic acid is one of my most favorite ingredients!!! I am saying ingredients not serum because it does come in different forms and our bodies naturally produce it. Hylaronic acid clear substance that its main function is to retain water and help lubricate your connective tissues and your eyeballs. So why do we need Hylaronic? Because our natural aging process in conjuction with environmental toxins & sun exposure deplete it. Taking it internally helps increase your skins moisture and helps prevent dry skin. It also helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles which is an added bonus. Topically it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, helps with redness and can reduce dermatitis. It is also one of the ingredients found in facial filler. So YES my lovelies hylaronic acid is a must in your routine whether you ingest it or use it topically or prefer to do both.

Vitamin C also can be used topically and internally. Lets talk why vitamin c topically is so sought after in skincare. So this little gem of an ingredient is used to help uneven tone, acne scars, rough texture, fine lines and dullness to your skin. So what exactly is vitamin c??? Vitamin c is a potent anti-oxidant to help neutralize free radicals to fight the signs of aging. It is one of the most potent anti-oxidants that aids in the skins natural regenerative process. Fighting off the UV damage and air pollutants by neutralizing those daily aggressors (when used regularly). There is also buzz in the medical world that vitamin c may help fight precancerous changes. Vitamin c high acidity level also helps stimulate regenerative process with collagen and elastin. Lastly it helps inhibit melanin production which causes dark spots or hyper pigmentation. This is touted as a superior lightening agent because it will fade the discoloration with out altering the skins own pigment. Derms recommend using vitamin c in a serum to get best results. Right now there is so much talk about taking vitamin c internally. I for one have always taken it and given it to my kids to take for boosting our immunity. Especially during this tough time we are all taking anything we can to stay healthy. So why is vitamin c so important to our health? First of all vitamin c is an essential vitamin because our bodies CAN NOT produce it. This little anti-oxidant is water soluble and can be found in fruits and veggies. While studies show its important to get your vitamin c from foods such as spinach, kale, kiwi, strawberries and oranges to name just a few. But some people also prefer to double down with a supplement as well. To get into all the benefits of vitamin c internally would be lengthy, so I will make it short and sweet. The benefits of this gem will help reduce risk of chronic disease, may help high blood pressure, could lower risk of heart disease, help prevent gout, helps prevent iron deficiency, boost immunity, and protects our memory.

So now that we all got the drift about vitamin c and hylaronic acid lets chat about when to use them. I personally like to use my hylaronic in the morning after my shower I apply the Rodan + Fields Active Hydration Serum followed by my moisturizer and SPF. As for my vitamin c serum I use it at night because it could make you sun sensitive. I use the Image Skincare Vital C Hydrating Serum after I cleanse and then use my moisturizer.

In the light of whats happening globally Image Skincare has been drop shipping to my clients. Please contact me if your interested in purchasing this awesome serum.

Link to Rodan + Fields Active Hydration Serum

At home skin tighten treatments

I recently got a request from a client asking how she can tighten her skin at home. To me this is such a loaded question because truly there are so many amazing things that you can do at home for anti-aging. So I will explain a few different ways I tighten my skin and prevent aging with out spa services.

The first step in my anti-aging routine is collagen powder in my morning cup of Joe. I begin every morning with my Nepresso coffee with a few drops of stevia, a scoop of collagen powder and a tablespoon of grass fed butter. Most collagen supplements are better taken on an empty stomach. I actually have major gut issues so I feel like the collagen coats my stomach and the butter helps prevent the hunger cravings with the good fats. (And if you have never had a Nepresso coffee your missing out! Can’t drink regular coffee or starbucks.) So now your are probably asking why the collagen powder??? First of all collagen is the main structural protein of the skin. It helps the dermis maintain its firmness and elasticity and is also found in our bones, cartilages and tendons. By our mid 20’s are collagen starts depleting. The rate it depletes also depends on your environmental factors that you have been exposed too. Such as pollution, sun exposure, and cigarettes. To help avoid this decline, supplementing collagen in your daily routine helps promote healthy collagen production, as well as staying away from the bad environmental factors. Also note, taking anti-oxidants or including them in your diet help fight the free radicals from the environmental pollution. So now your asking yourself what kinda collagen I suggest? I love Vital Proteins Collagen. You can find it at Costco for around $35 and double the size you would get at the health food store. At this time I am trying Neocell because its one of the top rated powders. Neocell has Hylaronic Acid and Vitamin C in it as well. Neocell claims it helps increase hydration by 21%. The difference is the price. Neocell is $25 for a months supply where the Vital Proteins is double the size for $35. With the Neocell you get the added bonus of Vitamin C and Hylaronic Acid. Your choice but in my opinion I choose the Neocell for the added bonus.

My next tool in my home kit arsenal is my microneedle roller. Yes folks if you haven’t heard of this craze you should. You can get microneedling done by a professional which includes numbing, some blood and a few days of recovery (totally worth it). But you can also buy a at home roller to keep up your results. So lets talk about these fun little tools. Microneedling rollers use tiny little needles to puncture the skin to regenerate facial collagen for plumper more smoother look. Note this can also helps with acne scarring as well. Prior to using the roller you want a fresh clean face. When you lightly roll the needler over the face you are creating little micro-channels in the skin. After you have “rolled” you want to apply a serum to treat the skin on a deeper level. Creating these tiny pinpricks signals to the body that it is wounded and it signals collagen and elastin to repair and renew. In this process giving you a smoother more young radiant appearance. Okay so now what roller and serum do I use? I am a big fan of the Rodan + Fields Redefine AMP Roller System. This system Includes a retinal & roller all in one kit. The retinal ampules are a proprietary blend of peptides, retinal & a calcium buffering system. Most people can get irritated from retinals because they can be stripping and harsh. The calcium microspheres help control the release of Retinal to minimize the potential for irritation and makes the serum gentle enough for almost all skin types. No stripping or harsh peeling from this products folks! So now how many times a week do you want to roll? You want to treat your skin with the roller system in the beginning once a week, then work up to 2x until you can do it 3x a week. My theory behind this is that start slow and low to condition your skin so there are no rashes and break outs. It is very easy to over stimulate the skin and have bad reactions. Each time you roll you want to add the ampule after and always remember to sanitize your roller.

If this has peaked your interest please contact me if you would like more info on roller system or professional micronnedling. Below is a link to the Redefine AMP Roller System.


Katie Ladner


Facial Cupping

Have you ever seen someone walking around with weird circular bruising on their back, well that my lovelies is called cupping. Cupping started back in Chinese traditional medicine in 281 CE. The Chinese medicine practitioners would hollow out horns and use the technique to drain toxins from the body. Over time the horns were replaced with bamboo and glass cups. Cupping has also been used in many different cultures like the Native Americans, Egyptian and Islamic medicine and females often were the practitioners of this technique. Some of the uses for cupping were colds, flu, muscular problems, indigestion and chest pain. Today we still use cupping for most of these issues, however, we have also discovered them for beauty practices.

So why facial cupping? Some experts say that facial cupping helps detox the skin, and stimulate cells to create smoother appearance, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, puffy eyes and dark circles. It has also been known to help clenching and teeth grinding (which yours truly suffers from).

I discovered facial cupping after thousands of dollars spent trying to find out why one side of my face is constantly swollen. After seeing the 3rd specialist and CAT scans the last doctor told me I have a really bad case of TMJ. I contacted my colleague Trish Halverson license Massage Therapist & Aesthetician who specializes in a technique called About Face. This technique would almost be considered a facial work out. She massages and releases the muscles in my face both inside my mouth and outside on the facial skin . After she does the release she uses her cupping tools to drain the lymph and toxins in my face. After an hour session I finally felt relieved and looked less swollen. She advised me of some techniques and tools I can use at home to help the TMJ. One was the facial cupping kit and the other a facial massager or a jade roller.

I went ahead and got all three. I like the jade roller but didn’t see a huge difference but felt good. I got a Beauty Bar facial massager which I absolutely love!!! To be honest a glass of wine, my beauty bar and Netflix is my jam! I can massage my face for an hour with that thing. I actually have to be careful not to over do it. Finally the facial cupping kit was a gift from a close friend. She bought them, loved the results and sent a pair for me to try. The little silicone cups are now my new best friends. I followed the instructions cleansed my skin with the silicone exfoliator it came with and got my favorite facial oil and patted the oil into my skin and began the cupping technique. It was very easy to do, but also very easy to over do. I did get a little over zealous and got a few hickies. But if you had a treatment by me you know that I am heavy handed and look for results! I really liked how this kit has little cups for the under eyes and lips. I gotta say I am using the little cups every day on my lips for plumping. So now I can say I am fully addicted to this treatment and now can keep up with my beauty and my TMJ issues at home with these lovely little tools. I also am now looking forwarded to incorporating the cups into my facial treatments at the spa too.

For more questions on the “About Face” technique contact:

Trish Halverson


Link to Beauty Bar Facial Massager

Link to Lure Facial Cupping

Favorite @ home peel

While in quarantine, I have been getting a few of my clients texting me about at home peels. So lets have a chat…

If your are searching on line for a strong peel to buy I hope I make you stop and think before your next purchase! First of all ladies and gents PLEASE don’t try to mimic what your Esthy does for you. You really can damage your skin. As an Aesthetican of 20 years we I have been trained in the peel lines I use and get certified through the companies by taking courses and hands on education before they would even sell me the product. Chemical peels can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Peels are essentially a chemical wound done in a controlled environment in order to have safe results. There are various ways we prep the skin, apply the the product and some cases neutralize it. We are trained how the skin changes while the product is on and looking for warning signs of bad reactions. Most people would not know what to look for and not know how to do any of these steps. If this hasn’t scared you enough, I have personally seen damage done by peels gone wrong by reckless Esthy’s. I couldn’t even imagine a normal person getting their hands on professional product that should not be sold to the public. I have seen is hyper & hypo pigmentation damage left behind on bad peels. Its best to leave it for us experts.

There are some peels that you can do at home. They are formulated to have a lower dose of acid. Most of these peels come with a pre-treated pad and applied everyday. However in my opinion you really have to figure out the right dosage for you skin type and condition. If you have very tough skin then I say use those pads every day. Peel that skin off baby, but know you may have a balancing out period for like a week. Your skin may purge and get dry and flaky before you start to feel a change. If you have sensitive skin the you will want to start out 2/3x per week. and then work up to everyday. Sensitive people need to condition there skin slower, but eventually achieve the same results.

One of my favorite at home peel is the Dr Dennis Gross alpha beta extra strength peel. The extra strength peel has a higher concentrations of alpha beta acids plus added anti-aging boosters, including mandelic acid and willow bark extract, deliver a stronger peel without risk of irritation or recovery time. I use this peel on my skin everyday. I like to use this for like 60 days then switch it up to a different type of exfoliant.

I also love the Osmosis Skincare cranberry enzyme mask. This mask helps create smooth and supple complexion with this gentle enzyme exfoliant. This mask features cranberry, witch hazel, and beet root powder. This skin tightening face mask also contains Ubiquinone, also known as CoQ10, which can support collagen and elastin production to aid in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. This mask I personally use about 2/3x a week. So my sensitive babies should only use it 1/2x a week.

After I do my at home peel treatment I always follow up with a mask. I like to treat my newly exfoliated skin with some nourishment. I have a few favorite masks that I love. The Summer Fridays Jet Set Mask, as well as the Advanced Clinicals Rose Water and Hylaronic Gel Masks are a few of my favorites. I use all three depending on whats happening with my skin at that particular. time. Just make sure you read the label on the mask of your choosing for your skin type. If your a person that can’t do a lot naturally fragranced products I tell my clients to use the Rodan + Fields brand because they are more clinical and have less essential oils in them.

Now that I have explained a little bit about home treatments I will leave you some links below to browse.

Sephora you can find Summer Friday CLICK HERE

Dr Dennis Gross CLICK HERE

Rodan + Fields CLICK HERE

Amazon for Advanced Clinicals CLICK HERE

Essential oils & why I love them

I have been using essential oils in my business for 20 years. Why did I start??? The lady that trained me used them and told me how fabulous they were but with out an explanation, so I went with it. It took me another 10 years to actually start investigating and learning about essential oils. To be honest one of my lovely clients started selling Young Living and she said “hey girl you use and recommend essential oils why don’t you join the biz with me.” I thought well I am not going to do the biz but I will buy the oils and get a discount. Boy was I so wrong! (THIS IS NOT A SALES PITCH FOR YL!) So with that being said I bought a starter kit and started learning and playing. We all know lavender is calming and eucalyptus helps clear the sinuses, etc. But what did they actually do? When I sat down and started googling different types of oils and what the are good for, my eyes had been opened. Opened up to endless possibilities for myself and my clients.

I started mixing up concoctions for my treatments. I made these amazing “ cure all oils”. They consisted of a carrier oils and a blend of essential oils depending on the skin condition. I thought about how many ways I can used these amazing little bottles of joy. Today depending on clients skin type and environmental condition I use oils in almost all of my treatments from the facial water bowl, hot towels, massage and waxing just to name a few.

But seriously there’s so many different ways essential oils can help and not just in aromatherapy, but for psyche and other skin conditions and ailments. I use my lavender cure all blend for sensitive skin and eczema. Lets take Lavender for instance, emotionally it helps promote a sense of well-being but did you know it uses are:

analgesic, anticoagulant, anti convulsive, antidepressant, anit-fungal, antihistamine, noninfectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti toxic, regenerative and sedative.

Holy cow right??? And this is one oil. Just think there are thousands out there. This made my body tingle with happiness. Now my career just changed from an esthetician recommending products (how I was taught) to actually helping heal my clients, and not just give them a band-aid. I truly found my path.

Today I recommend and sell my essentials oils and made this a huge part of my business. Like I said in the beginning this is not a sales pitch, but I can’t stress enough to do your own research on brands. There are very few out there that you can ingest like YL. I was lucky enough to have come in contact with my client to help educate me why you can’t just ingest store bought oils. Many of those “store bought oils” or not 100% pure and have other toxic additives if ingested. Make sure the company you choose has specific guidelines and follow strict practices on how the oils are harvested and distilled. You may pay more for these oils but it well worth your health.

I believe in the healing properties of plants and herbs and incorporate them into my daily life with my family. At home we take The YL supplements & Standard Process supplements everyday. I have diffusers in every room of my house to diffuse different oils depending on the room. I clean with essential oils because they are proven just as effective in sanitizing as the chemical counter parts. I use them in my kids bath to calm them down at night. I can go on for hours so I will save you. My goal is that if you take away anything from the little read is that I have encourage or peaked your interest in trying out oils for yourself.

If you have any questions on oils please feel free to contact me at:

Browse Young Living Oils here

Click here and read about Dr. G Talk to an expert about Standard Process

Skin Scrubber

Let me begin by saying I wasn’t sold on this at first. I thought ya right nothing can do what my figures can do for my clients. But I admit I WAS WRONG. I freaking love my skin scrubber. I use it in every facial to help get out black heads and to help take off excess dirt, debris and dead skin.

This little secret weapon is perfect for a person that can’t get their facials on a regular basis. Once or twice a week you can do a deep pore cleansing treatment with this bad boy.

-Take a shower let the steam loosen up the dirt & debris.

-Do a double cleanse, first cleanse removes the make up and dirt. The second cleanse actually cleans the skin.

-Use your favorite exfoliant. Exfoliate in the shower to get a deeper clean with all the steam. ( I have a few favorites RF Microdermabrasion Paste, Image Skincare Vital C Enzyme Masque, RF Redefine Rejuvenating Masque, Young Livings Satin Mint Scrub and for sensitive skin Dermalogica’s Microfoliant)

-After exiting shower, its time to use your skin scrubber. Your skin has been prepped by steam, cleansing and exfoliating. Use the scrubber to take out the black heads and any excess debris. ( Here’s a hint: if your skin is super dry and dehydrated or congested you can use a little baking soda and water with a mask brush and bowl and whisk it up and apply. Let it set for a few minutes then use scrubber. The baking soda helps alkaline skin.)

-After using the skin scrubber pick one of your favorite masks to help condition your skin.

My Favorites are:

Osmosis Skincare masques depending on skin type, Image Skincare Masques, RF sooth masque, advanced Clinicals Rose masque & Hylaronic Masque.

Link to Advanced Clinicals Rosewater Masque

Link to Rodan + Fields Skincare

Link to RF Soothe masque & Active Hydration Serum

Link to Skin Scrubber