Why drinking water is so important

So many people ask me about my favorite product for my skin and my number one answer is drinking water! Your skin is the biggest organ in your body and it's thirsty!!! Your skin is made up of cells, in turn are made up of water. All your organs need water to function correctly. We are constantly losing water throughout our busy days by urinating, defecating,breathing and the beverages & foods we consume. If we don't replace the water sufficiently your skin will start to look dehydrated, tight, dry and flaky. Living with constant dehydration and dry skin will cause you to age faster giving you wrinkles. Even being slightly dehydrated will cause your body to run inefficiently.

So the moral of this blog is to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day if not more is essential for your skin health because it delivers nutrients to the skin cells. Help slow down the aging process and keep the toxins flushed in your body. So drink up!!