That dirty little C word...

Well ladies if you suffer from cellulite then you know what it is, its a horrible thing that attacks our beautiful bodies and make us feel insecure about putting on a bathing suit. But for real lets go in depth about what cellulite is and how we can treat it non surgically.

Cellulite is a very common and harmless condition where the skin looks lumpy and bumpy almost like a cottage cheese texture. Cellulite is most common in woman and some say weight gain could contribute to this cottage cheese effect. Other factors such as hormones and poor circulation can contribute to cellulite as well and cellulite doesn’t discriminate even skinny fit people can have cellulite.

So what makes the skin look lumpy and bumpy you ask??? Fibrous connective cords tether the skin to underlying muscle with fat lying in between. The fat cells in turn start to accumulate and start to push on the skin while the cords start to pull down creating uneven texture and dimpling. YUCK!!!

So how do we treat this horrible body invader? Well ladies numerous ways. You can go the surgical route which is costly and there is down time or you can try different non surgical procedures before bringing in the big guns. I am going to break down a few at home remedies and in office procedures for you to decide which is best for you.

From being in the esthetics world for 20 years I have been trained that massage is one of the best ways to help reduce cellulite. There are specific massage techniques like fascia release and lymphatic drainage that help break up the fibrous tissues and help eliminate the toxins that are accumulating in the affected areas. Certain massage therapist are actually trained in these techniques and are just an appointment away. But ladies trust me when I say this is not a fluff massage. Sometimes it can be a bit painful to release those connective cords. You also have to do a good amount of treatments before you start seeing results. This is based on your consult with the therapist every body is different.

Cryo Therapy or T-Shock is another buzz word happening right now. Cryo T-Shock is a non invasive treatment to reduce fat cells through exposure to extreme cold. Fat freezing technology gives long term results. The science behind this is cryolipolysis (cell death) through the concentrated application of heat and cold to destroy the cells in the desired area. Then cells then naturally pass through the body’s lymphatic system and excreted through sweat and urine. I personally have done 8 sessions of T-Shock and was very happy with my results. T-Shock is not cheap but well worth the investment. So you are aware you will have to do anywhere from 6-12 sessions for results. You also have to remain on a reasonable diet for optimal results.

If money is a concern there are a few tools you can do at home. My two favorite at home treatments are the Scala Cellulite Massager and Lure Body Cupping Kit. The Scala massager is $10.99 & The Lure Kit is $29.95. Both extremely reasonable and you can do it in the privacy of your own home. You can also use these in conjunction with cryo and massage treatments for cellulite to help increase your results. The scala is a manual massaging head, you can use it in shower with body wash or use it on dry skin with some lotion or cellulite reduction cream. The massager is great for breaking up the thick fibrous tissues and in creasing circulation to increase blood flow to the area. The cupping kit is great for aiding in lymphatic drainage and getting the toxins out of the affected area. I use them together to give cellulite the double whammy! I also want to make you aware when you use the massager don’t be surprised if you get bruised. I have lots of scare tissue around my c-section and I did bruised in the beginning with it. But lets be honest ladies, a little pain for beauty is nothing new for us.

Below is a list of links to my products as well as Cryo Haus who treated me with the T-Shock and my amazing massage therapist who also can recommend a plan of action for cellulite. Always know I am 1 click away from an email or a phone call away if you do have any skin related questions or concerns.

Click on my links below for more info

Cryo Haus for T-Shock Treatments

Scala Massager

Lure Body Cupping Kit

Call Trish Halverson for Cellulite Massage 949-291-2170