Chemical Peels & Microneedling

Chemical peels VS. Microneedling  

Chemical peels and Microneedling are both cosmetic procedures to help improve facial tone, texture and fine lines. Both facial treatments seem very similar, however at a closer glance they each have very distinctive purposes.

Microneedling for wrinkles is a process in which tiny needles into the face give micro-perforations where either a serum or PRP (platelet rich plasma) to penetrate deeper into the skin stimulating collagen and elastin to grow. So in a nutshell, microneedling helps rejuvenate and tighten the skin on the face and neck while reducing the appearance of scars and skin blemishes in a series of treatments.

Chemical Peels for acne and other skin issues are typically applied to the face, neck and hands to correct scarring, acne, sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles. The peel solution is applied to the area creating a blister/ wound to the skin. The skin repairs itself over a period of 7-10 days. There are also different levels of peels light, medium, and heavy. Depending on the peel is the length of time of recovery. It is also recommended for optimal results a series of peels depending on the strength of the peel.

Which treatment is right for you?

With any cosmetic procedure there is always a risk. There are risks associated with microneedling, chemical peels, and other cosmetic procedures, and these dangers must be closely examined. With microneedling, potential treatment complications include bleeding, infection, bruising, and skin irritation. Comparatively, with a chemical peel, the risks include scarring, skin discoloration and infection.

The downtime with microneedling is typically a few days that you are red and dry. We do ask all of our patients to use good sunscreen. Same with chemical peels, however I feel like the process for peels is a few days longer than microneedling. With chemical peels you need to stay out of sun and heat for 7-10 days.